Bukin Oleg Alekseevich

Academic degree
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Science rang
  1. FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» , direktor kompleksa «Nauchno-innovacionnyy kompleks «Morskoy tehnopark» ,
  • Journal "Operation of Maritime Transport" — member of the editorial board, employee
Scientific interests
Author of more than 100 scientific publications in publications included in one of the international abstract databases and citation systems WebofScience, Scopus, as well as more than 149 scientific publications in publications included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Science should be published sciences. The areas in which scientific research is conducted are laser technologies for monitoring the ocean and atmosphere, underwater robotics, the impact of SEU on the environment and environmental protection. He is one of the leaders of the "Scientific and Educational program of the Arctic Voyage, Professor Khlyustin".


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