Stolyarov Sergey Pavlovich

Academic degree
candidate of technical sciences
Science rang
  1. FGBOU VO«Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet» , Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy ,
  • Journal "Operation of Maritime Transport" ,
Scientific interests
Author of 66 scientific publications, 24 of them in publications included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published. Author of 2 scientific publications in publications included in the international abstract database and citation systems WebofScience. Research interests: Stirling cycle machines (marketing, calculation, design, manufacturing, experimental research); adaptation of mathematical modeling methods for the organization of engineering calculations of thermophysical processes in heat engines; heat and mass transfer processes.


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