Article is devoted to consideration of a question of actions of the united transport company in the through integrated system. On the one hand, advantage of such transport company is the possibility of the real offer to possible clients of the scheme of delivery of the chemical freights and/or mineral oils (CFAMO) "from a door to a door" with use of several difterent types of transport, and/or several transshipment terminals under the unifonn contract and one consignment. Moreover, all legal aspects of such transportations already too are stipulated now rather well to secure carrier practically in all types of the mixed message. It can mean that from point of production to the destination the goods can be delivered with numerous transfers in way, say, from tankers on temiinals, from there on lighters, trucks, or, for example, tankers of coastal swimming that considerably will increase cost efficiency of delivery of freight.
fleet, tankers, shipping company, marketing, freight traffics, profit, segment
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