The article discusses the further development of the Arctic shelf as the main supplier of hydrocarbons in the near and medium term. Thus the North oil fields were briefly characterized, indicating the potential possibilities of the produced products. For remote oil fields, options for logistics directions are being studied. Logistic schemes of hydrocarbon transportation to European and Chinese ports are given. The dynamics of liquid hydrocarbons export from Arctic fields by sea vessels is analyzed. Statistics of imported oil products into the Arctic ports and points are given. The features of die specialized fleet used for the transportation of oil and gas condensate and natural gas are described in sufficient details. All vessels have a higher ice class and modem equipment. For comparison, the main characteristics of ships, including not only the size of the hull and the ice class, but also the parameters of the propulsion system. The material of the article is presented with reference to the key projects of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and is well illustrated.
transportation of hydrocarbons, logistics, offshore development, tanker, gas carriers, natural gas, ice class
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