Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Characteristics of cartographic pictures in terms of procedures for situation assessment in area of marine transport activity and territorial planning have been discussed. Tasks of spatial analysis from cartographic to topological reflection of geographical reality have been pointed out. The article considers the existed methods of anamorphosis , their classification, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Constructing anamorphosis models of locality for topologization of real geo picture have been worked out. Algorithm based on aphin transformation, having distortion of area borders relative to the mass center of locality' have been suggested. Comparison of the suggested algorithm with the existed Gastner- Newman”s algorithm has been made. Example of performing situational assessment and anamorphosis constructing of evaluating map in favor of safe navigation in heavy ice areas have been given. A number of original tenns and definitions in the sy stem of geo information support for the territorial object control have been suggested.

area of marine transport activity, territorial situation, analyses and assessment of situation, map of locality, geo space, geo object, anamorphosis, kartoid
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