Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the development of the transport infrastructure of the Far East of Russia. The object of the study is implemented and promising infrastructure projects, the subject of research - the correspondence of their infrastructure to its current and future development. The possibilities of using public-private partnership (PPP) for the modernization of port facilities are considered. The economic situation in Russia is characterized by a sharp increase in gaps in the level of development of different regions, which is a serious problem. The potential of the Far East allows us to overcome today's difficulties. The logistics direction opens up prospects for significant improvement in the situation in the region. The comprehensive modernization of the transport infrastructure will allow to handle the increased flow of goods, expected in connection with the prospective increase in transportation along the Northern sea route, to stimulate the development of the region, to increase its economic efficiency.

), port, investors, infrastructure, cargo turnover, territories of advanced social and economic development, «free port of Vladivostok», public-private partnership
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