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Abstract (English):
The problem of safety of navigation has been considered in the article. In order to ensure the safety of navigation it is necessary to plan the upcoming passage from the berth to berth and carry out preliminary plotting. For ships, the passage planning process begins in advance and may be based on the vessel's on-line schedule, information from the ship’s operator or agent. Route of the vessel should be plotted in such a way as to reduce the probability of a dangerous situation to a minimum. Various factors described in the article do not allow a good assessment of all the necessary information for the navigation of the vessel. The disadvantages can be eliminated by automating the vessel's route planning processes by creating an artificially intelligent system, in particular the use of data mining when selecting pre-route parameters. The initial goal of the work was a creation a decision support system for navigators. The research results were unexpected and some important conclusions were made.

preliminary route planning, data mining, decision support system, clustering
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