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Abstract (English):
In modem water transport, flows on rivers, seas, places of unorganized flows of small ships or places where some obstacles are possible, special security measures are needed. To manage such flows, relevant criteria, security policy, modeling flows. Moreover, modeling, taking into account the safety criteria of high-intensity flows, modeling using situational scenarios, allowing to play various, especially, unplanned situations. The increase in the efficiency of navigation on busy, especially river highways with intensive use of transport, improving the efficiency of transportation requires consideration of critical factors: the intensity of cargo traffic; climatic (wind, precipitation, etc.); interactions with onshore facilities (ports of destination, pilotage services, etc.); Adaptation of calculated motion parameters, for example, speed with regard to wind, waves, visibility, etc. In this paper, this problem is modeled and investigated using the cellular automata apparatus. Their use is relevant for the "departure" from nonlinearity, the algorithmic complexity of processes. Cellular automata have shown their efficiency in this in gas-dynamic and flow problems. This method allows to reduce the complexity due to the linearization of tasks and reduction of algorithmic complexity, the use of dynamic simulation models.

cellular automaton, modeling, safe movement, water transport, vessel
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