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Abstract (English):
In this article, the degree of influence of dredging works with the area of 10,800 m2 and the construction of sheet piling on the section adjacent to the Don river coastline on the safety of ships passing through is estimated. In the course of the work, the peculiarities of the hydrological regime of the r. Don in the range of the recreation center of ZAO Salyut and ZAO RFK, investigations of the hydrometric characteristics of the river section were carried out. Don (coordinates: 47° 12'35.31 "NW, 39° 48'2.53" VD) with depth determination using GPS positioning, flow velocities, flow rates, as well as desk processing of measurement results with the construction of transverse sections of alignments 1, 2, 3 , The calculation of the change in the gauging characteristics of the trunks related to the geometric change in the cross sections of the watercourse (Don River) was made, the volume of excavation of the bottom soil was determined at a depth of 3,5 m. In addition, the change in the cross-section of the watercourse in the investigated sections is determined by the arrangement of a sheet pile adjacent to the shoreline of the investigated section.

hydrology, bottom soil, dredging, watercourse, dredge, channel, hydrometric characteristics, gauging station, overtaking
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