The Diesel Engines (ICE) exhaust gases atmosphere noxious emission decreasing ways were introduced by the different editions and engine manufacturer publications already 25 years ago. Many of that have used up to present depend of its installation, usage and maintenance costs. For the mentioned above 25 years of emission decreasing ways practical using on the vessels has identified it further usage consistency and profitability (efficiency).The atmosphere noxious emission proposed decreasing way is directly connected with using fuel oil, i.e. at the fuel oil sulphur content decreasing the SOx emission has decreasing too, that is task not for ship owners, but for petroleum-refming manufactures and bunkering companies. COandCCh emission decreasing is a comer task, as a fuel oil quality and lower calorific value are identified by the carbon &hydrogen content. Thus the fuel oil carbon and hydrogen content decreasing will bring to the decreasing of a quality and lower calorific value. Therefore all of this 25 years for the vessels diesel engines (ICE) exhaust gases CO&CO2 emission decreasing the energy efficiency task is stated. Our proposed way can allow to resolve the CO&CO2 emission decreasing task for the engines operation parts of loads and nominal loads.
ICE (Diesel Engines) exhaust gases noxious emission, carbon oxides, fueloil Lower Calorific Value, emission decreasing way, engine heat balance
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