Russian Federation
Restorative treatment technology of bulky shafts for ship-repair industry can be more developed provided by existing scientific and technical solutions in technical areas of mechanical treatment of large-sized bodies with a non-stationary axis of rotation. The question of development of special technical devices for implementing an adaptive method for controlling the process of machining large-sized bodies of rotation in the conditions of uncertainty of basing had seen in this work. Mechanical processing can be produced in progress of exploitation or an object repairing. The mobile technology for processing large-sized products with an uneven allowance and a non-stationary axis of rotation includes a device for measuring shaped inaccuracy. The implementation of the technology for restoring a given shape by mechanical treatment is based on the modular principle. The module structure is determinate by technological and technical tasks. Hardware and software complex for mobile recovery processing incudes next modules: control module, processing module, control module, information storage and analysis unit. There is a block diagram of the processing module which was introduced. It realized the algorithm for determining the value of the allowance to be removed which depends from the current value of the calculated form error. Based on the results of research and development there was made a prototype of the control device was designed and manufactured. Also there was conducted a selection and Assembly of electronic components and alignment of sensors in the structure.
restoration repair, mobile technologies, non-stationary axis of rotation, uneven allowance, portable machine, shape error, adaptive control, cutting process
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