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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the system of ship safety assessment. There are a large number of safety assessment methods. The choice of a particular methodology depends on the field of activity being evaluated. The paper gives a brief description, advantages and disadvantages of the basic safety assessment systems. The safety assessment methods used in navigation are considered in detail, both the most well-known probabilistic methods and the modem method presented by the Bayesian network. Special attention is paid to the method of assessing the safety of a ship using systems based on fuzzy logic in conditions of insufficient navigation information. The main parameters of the ship's movement that are taken into account in the state vector for dynamic movement are described. The authors have formulated a definition of the term "Safety of navigation", from which it follows that the safety of navigation consists of an assessment of the ship's condition vector, as well as the control vector. As a result of the research, it is proved that the process of controlling a ship depends on the state vector. The control matrix is built into a certain shape that is interconnected with the shape of the position error. You can safely control the ship if you evaluate the accuracy of the location, which consists in evaluating the parameters of the state vector. The efficiency of the method of assessment of accuracy of the ship's position based on the theory of fuzzy numbers is shown.

safety of navigation, the state vector, control vector, assessment of position accuracy, the figure of the accessories of the vessel, the matrix of control
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