Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the importance of identifying a ship's state vector. Based on the Riccati equation, several simulation models of a dynamic object are constructed in the Simulink simulation environment. The first model is designed to determine the calculated coordinates of the vessel. The second model, supplemented by an error block, presented in the form of a random signal with a normal distribution of "Random Number". The indicated error is included in the relative speed of the vessel received from the ship's log. The third model created in the work determines the degree of importance of identifying the parameters of the ship's state vector, namely, showing the errors that occur when determining the dead reckoning position of the ship. Based on the results obtained during the research, it can be said with confidence that insufficient identification of the state vector of the vessel can lead to tragic consequences: accidents, loss of life, and pollution of the marine environment. Therefore, we need a system that can detect false data coming from ship's devices in a timely manner.

state vector, ship motion parameters, importance of identification, ship motion model, dead reckoning
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