Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article contains emergency failures of ship’s main engines in the Far Eastern region during 2016 under the influence of the human factor to the accident. The degree of participation of the ergatic element is assessed in the dysfunction of competency standards and violations of mandatory requirements. The total share of ship technical equipment emergency failures amounted to 32.2% in 2016, including damages of the main engines, exceeding 15% of the total number of sea accidents in the Far East region. All the failures occurred with the participation of an ergatic element. The involvement of each person in the accident was evaluated by the number of violations of mandatory requirements into the convention function “maintenance and repair”. The most of engine misuse occurs at the management level. Typical causes of breakdowns are non-compliance with mandatory regulatory requirements: Rules for technical operation; Charter service on ships; Merchant Shipping Code; technical instructions.

ship main engine, emergency, human factor, ergatic element, functional level assessment
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