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Abstract (English):
In a competitive environment, seaports seek to improve their operations using a variety of modem transport technologies and concepts. Dry ports - as their local terminals - are becoming increasingly common in both Russian and international transport systems. Respectively, there is a problem of correlation between dry ports and seaports, not only because of their geographically close locations, but also because of the services they provide in case of an appropriate transport and economic potential for the hinterland relationship. To solve the issue, it is necessary to have the methodological approach that will allow to choose and make the economic case of seaport feasibility with a dry port cooperation and thereby achieve a sea port capacity which will lead to development of inner economical remote shore line areas. The proposed methodological approach will facilitate the quantitative and qualitative research of their possible interactions using the developed indicator system.

Dry ports, Sea ports, cooperation, optimization, methodological approach
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