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Abstract (English):
The problematic situation with the environmental situation in the world makes it necessary to control the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. Therefore, the issue of finding the optimal option for bunkering, which is quite acute for shipowners at the present time, is a priority. It is worth emphasizing that, based on the opinion of various experts, liquefied natural gas is an alternative type of fuel and, first of all, in connection with the price component. The article discusses various possible options for the choice of fuel by a shipping company, which should initially take into account the age of the vessel, since the transition to LNG entails a sufficiently large amount of capital investment, which may not pay off if the age of the vessel is too large. Therefore, the optimal choice of bunkering option depends on many factors and, first of all, the shipowner must take into account the characteristics of the vessel.

diquefied natural gas, shipping companies, choice of fuel types, Northern Sea Route, optimal bunkering options
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