Time charter, being the one of the types of contracts for the fleet’s chartering, is usually used by large charterers who have a significant cargo base, as well as when there is an excess of tonnage in some regions and a shortage in others. If the shipowner has time-chartered the ship at the peak of the market, of course, he remains a "winner", but there is a possibility that the charterer, being in unfavorable market conditions for him, will not be able to pay the agreed freight or will look for reasons for an early leaving the time charter. In this regard, the authors propose such a form of ship operation as a time-charter on a flexible or floating rate, which will depend on the state of the market at a certain point in time. The authors draw attention to the fact that nowadays there is a lack of modem scientific developments in the operation of the tanker fleet, which would not only be focused on the conditions of the world tanker market, but also flexibly adapt to its conjuncture changes, and would also allow the use of vessels as efficiently as possible, throughout the entire operational period, avoiding downtime. The article presents the advantages of operating ships on a time charter with floating rental rates, analyzes in detail the algorithm for calculating the rent based on floating time charter rates, describes the sections of the world freight tanker market for analyzing the situation by the BDTI index. In addition, the merit of this article is the fact that the authors took into account the passage of the emission control zone by the ships when calculating the time-charter equivalent, which, of course, is reflected in the time-charter rate.
time charter, tanker market, freight market conditions, floating rate, rent calculation, freight index, emission control area
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