The interconnectedness of the work of the transport hub enterprises, which is realized during when importing and exporting goods by sea, considered by the authors, is carried out as follows: in the process of processing the incoming information, the port records the dates of the arrival of individual ships and determines the timing of their processing. On the basis of fixed terms for the approach and handling of vessels, the need for related modes of transport is determined, taking into account the range and volume of arriving goods. Adjacent enterprises make their own corrections and comments and send them to the port. The port and related enterprises organize work on the basis of the agreed NPGRTU. Currently, the port also provides for the coordination of the work of related enterprises based on information received from the railway. However, the short term for submitting information from the railway (1-2 days) does not allow for a qualitative solution of this issue. In this regard, it seems necessary to optimize the task of coordinating the import and export of goods. In addition, interconnection can be represented by an algorithm, which should be attributed to control algorithms. The software provides the general goal of the NPGRTU - compliance with the calculated indicators of the joint work of the transport hub enterprises. Moreover, these indicators are the result of solving several system tasks.
transport hub, throughput, interconnectedness of continuous scheduling, control of port loading
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