Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses methods and software and hardware for modeling, and the development of a fundamentally new method of landing a quadcopter on inclined surfaces. The current state of the project under consideration is determined and described. In view of the complexity of the problem under consideration, various approaches to its solution are possible, differing both in the distribution of control functions between the ground control station and the quadcopter itself, and in the choice of principles that can be used as the basis for the control system and determine its constructive and dynamic characteristics. It has been demonstrated through simulations and testing that reverse thrust alone can increase the landing area of a small quadcopter, nearly doubling the maximum tilt angle at which it can land, enabling a landing at high vertical speed. This can be useful in situations where sudden interference is likely to occur.

Quadrocopter, unmanned aerial vehicle, hardware and software system, robotic systems, reverse thrust landing, reverse thrust
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