The article is devoted to the stages of design, testing, service, creation and operation of a crewless vessel (unmanned uninhabited vehicles - a general concept), which is a complex technical unit. For the purposes of improving the efficiency and safety of operation, as well as ensuring competitiveness, these vessels must meet a number of specific requirements, which in turn must be reflected in regulatory sources and determined by the purpose of the technical units under consideration, the tasks and the level of automation. It is indicated that at the same time, these devices must provide automatic movement in the necessary water areas, perform the necessary maneuvering operations, process on-board and other types of information, while the performance of the specified actions and tasks directly depends on the cartographic knowledge base, the external environment processing system, navigation systems, fuzzy control systems and subsystems for analyzing the situation. The analysis of domestic and foreign regulatory documents regulating relations in the field of creation and operation of unmanned vessels is given, which showed that to date, a unified systematic approach to the legal regulation of the development and use of unmanned vehicles in the civil sphere has not been developed, which in turn leads to the chaotic appearance of a large number of different types of functional complexes, and also negatively affects the safety of navigation.
unmanned vessel, augmented reality, navigation, standardization of device creation processes, maritime transport, maritime safety, legal regulation
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