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Abstract (English):
In an article presents methods for mathematical calculation of thermal engineering data after testing on sea vessels. The electronically controlled high-speed Caterpillar C32 engine was tested. During the thermal engineering tests, experimental studies of the influence of the values of thermal parameters on the change in the technical condition of the engine and checking the information value of the calculated diagnostic for fuel consumption ratio were performed. The obtained results of experimental studies of high-speed engines will allow us to move from classical approaches of technical operation to new ones that are part of the autonomous control system. The performed calculations showed that the obtained values of confidence intervals allow us to identify the deviation of the values of thermal engineering parameters from the statistical normal values in operation and to determine the beginning of the development of the defect, moreover, these parameters do not exceed the maximum permissible values specified by the manufacturer. The conducted experimental studies of ship technical means by the non-selective method of diagnostics of sea vessels and the compilation of confidence intervals make it possible to control thermal parameters in operation, which is the basis of the control and monitoring system of autonomous vessels.

tests, methodology, high-speed engine, statistics
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