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Abstract (English):
The article examines the problems facing the Russian shipbuilding industry at the present stage and studies the main trends related to corporate reform in the machine-building industry, import substitution and the provision of shipyards with civil orders. Today, the industry faces a number of difficulties caused by both import substitution and localization, as well as global problems in the global economy. The development of modern shipbuilding has a significant impact on the introduction of innovative technologies in related sectors of the economy. The relevance of the research topic is due to the increasing need to equip the Russian fleet with modern high-tech vessels. Therefore, in 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a Strategy defining the development of the shipbuilding industry until 2035 and aiming to create modern vessels and increase the production volume of the shipbuilding industry. In order to achieve this goal, the shipbuilding production funds should ensure an increase in workload, as part of the implementation of the Strategy, it is planned to increase labor productivity and the growth of domestic elements in the final cost of products. The innovative scenario of following the Strategy involves strengthening the shipbuilding industry of the country in a stable rhythm in conditions of moderate economic development. The study of the problems and prospects of the development of domestic shipbuilding was carried out using regulatory documents regulating the development of shipbuilding in the Russian Federation, a report conducted by specialists of the shipbuilding industry and public opinion. The purpose of the work is to study the problems of the Russian shipbuilding industry and the impact of corporate reform on the prospects for the development of domestic shipbuilding. The study allows us to conclude that at present there is a process of technical re-equipment, the introduction of digital technologies in the mechanical engineering sector and the increase in the production volume of the shipbuilding industry

shipbuilding industry, import substitution, production potential, development prospects, technical reequipment
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