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Abstract (English):
The tramp trade first took off in Britain around the mid-19th century .Trump shipping occupies 80% of the total world ship ping market and cargo delivery, which forces ship ping companies to constantly develop their service and quality of services. To do this, it is necessary to develop existing and develop new methods of a logistic approach to tramp transportation management. This isa complex process that requires systematic work and indepth analysis of the ship ping market. There are several reasons for shipping companies todevelop and implement transport logistics methods. These methods are competition in the tramp transportation market, reduction of rates, implementation and organization of these transportation. The first and main stage of application is the direct development of the logistics system[l]. Then, for the integration and well-coordinated interaction of the elements of this system and its subsystem, it is important to take a systematic approach. The implementation of this complex multi-stage work on the optimization and functioning of all elements of logistics subsystems and the system as a whole.

Trump shipping, foreign trade relations, shipping business, marine logistics, formation of a logistics approach
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