The state of accidents on Russian ship s is still high and alarming. Over the past 10 у ears, there has been a clear trend of an increase in the number of accidents caused by ship personnel, including command personnel. The subject of the study is the professional training and professional activity of the sailors of the transport fleet. The article briefly examines the essence and causes of the human factor, provides the main provisions of the methodology for assessing the understanding of the essence of the human factor by ship personnel and cadets of a maritime educational organization, their predisposition to create an emergency situation. The results of experimental work (survey, testing, individual interviews) with members of the crews of ships of ship-owning companies ofNovorossiysk, studying at the Institute of Advanced Training and cadets of the final course ofthe GMU named after Adm. F.F. Ushakov, mathematical processing of the results obtained, proving the effectiveness of this technique, are presented. The authors came to the conclusion about the exp ediency and effectiveness of using this methodology to check and analyze the state of readiness of graduates and ship crews for the upcoming professional activity (for the voyage), their awareness of their personal responsibility for the safety of the ship, cargo and people (crew members and passengers).
emergency situation, methodology, understanding, predisposition, essence, human factor, crew members
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