The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of introducing digital counterparts of sea vessels and their operation. The paper considers the use of digital twins in the field of monitoring, diagnostics of the technical condition and management ofashippowerplant(SEU).Thisdirectionhas gained additional relevance in recent years due to its successful implementation in various fields of human activity. Digital doubles allow you to solve several tasks quickly and simultaneously, such as solving navigqtion problems, managing the SEU sy stem and other tasks. Thus, digital doubles can be used for autonomous control of a ship's powerplant. The digital twin can be applied to any complex system of a ship's power plant and solve the task assigned to it for a person The paper examines the likely impact of autonomous vessels on the modem world, provides examples of the use of CD in our days, and presents the expected development of technologies in the field of autonomous vessels in the future.
digital twin, marine vessel, operation, tasks, autonomous vessels
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