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Abstract (English):
The article presents effective scientifically based security activities. All items are designed correctly and consistently. One of the actions to prevent cyber hacking is creating of a password, which is characterized by its reliability. The formula of information entropy has been created - measures of complexity of password. The article provides two graphs ‘The diagram of the dependence of entropy from the complexity of the created password’ and “diagram of the reliability of the created password from entropy”. Graphs allow identifying the dependence of the password reliability from its complexity. Every year cases of cybercrimes at the sea are rapidly. The article provides recommendations for sailors, ships and shipping companies on cybersecurity. Cyber Pirates, developing the direction of “hacking”, closely selected to the information resources needed for them, and thereby the article talks about actions at cyber hacking and protection plan of personal, shipping and companying system from unexpected cyber attack. Each shipping company together with crew members of ships should consider risk management functions, which will improve the reliability of the system. In relation to above we can conclude: if perform all precautions, recommendations for preventing cybercrime and consider risk management functions, we can avoid cyber attacks and loss of important information data, which often leads to the loss of money resource.

Cyber crime, cyber security, virus, antivirus program, cyber attack, cyber hacking, cyber security plan, confidential informational data
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