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Abstract (English):
When chartering a fleet in the tramp form of shipping, it is almost impossible to competently draw up a charter without the participation of a freight broker who has universal knowledge in the field of merchant shipping. However, in recent times it has become more and more common to observe that maritime brokerage companies operate chartered vessels on their own, trying to maximize their profits. This is how the name “time charter shipowner” appeared, and this form of activity can be organized without significant financial investments, which, of course, is very attractive for companies involved in fleet operation. The authors of this article analyzed the work of companies involved in the operation of the fleet, and also proposed a model for the process of solving the problem of maximizing profits when chartering a fleet in various segments of the freight market. Also, the authors give options for the combined chartering of the fleet and present the features of the formation of income and expenses of a company operating a fleet in various segments of the freight market

freight broker, fleet operation, freight, operating costs, freight market segments, time charter equivalent, profit maximization
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