Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an analysis of the currently existing principles of route planning. Approaches to route optimization by various researchers are considered, and information is provided on how this issue is imple-mented in major shipping world powers. Key international and national normative documents and recommen-dations for planning the optimal routes of ships are considered. An overview of the main criteria to which attention should be paid is presented. The article proposes to divide route planning into three stages, depending on the duration of the route segment planning forecast. So the entire route is proposed to be assessed as strategic planning, the passage of individual sections of the route, taking into account the available forecasts, can be considered as pre-tactical or short-term, the movement along the route, taking into account the state of the ship, the environment and weather factors, the article proposes to characterize as tactical planning. The approach proposed in the article will allow a more detailed understanding of the route construction strategy and its im-plementation

navigation route planning, ship control, optimal route, ship route development

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