The article discusses the reasons for the formation of the need to switch to the use of liquefied natural gas as a bunkering fuel. The experience and trends in the use of marine internal combustion engines running on LNG as the main and auxiliary elements of a ship power plant both in Russia and around the world are analyzed. The main factors in the development of marine gas motor fuel, technical solutions for the re-equipment of operating ships, the reasons hindering the development of the use of gas fuel on ships and the main trends in the devel-opment of this direction are considered. Analyzed modern serial piston marine engines with the possibility of using gaseous fuel. The main factors that have a significant impact on performance, technical condition, and, as a result, the level of operational safety, for all types of engines are considered. Standard solutions are pro-posed that allow organizing small-scale production of kits for an economically justified conversion of internal combustion engines as part of ongoing repairs
engine re-equipment, dual- and tri-fuel engine, gas-diesel process, LNG, emission reduction
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