Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the seemingly eternal problem of the human control element in the context of vehicle control. In relation to the marine environment, the main characteristics are identified and the complexity of the task itself is shown, which naturally negatively affects the ability to calculate elements that affect this human control element. It is concluded that there is a need for a descriptive means for the state of the human element and its mandatory measurability. To do this, the decision-making process is described using the theory of map-ping sets by a system in two levels, with a division into interpretation and action. The errors of these processes are also highlighted. A fundamentally new descriptive element omicronion is proposed. Further, transfor-mations are proposed to find omicronion parameters from a series of human observations. The principle of taking into account the temporal characteristics of the human element, as well as the descriptability of this by probabilistic characteristics, is also explained, and if uncertainty appears in the experimental data, then this is eliminated by omicronion

Omicronion, human element in navigation, human factor

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