Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
1992-8181 (print)
Periodicity (English)

4 issues per year

Russian science citation index:
Yes 20055
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Operation of Maritime Transport Quarterly scientific journal issue of scientific articles Included in the list of leading reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia Founder Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University To the editorial board of the scientific journal issue it is necessary to submit: - a printout of the manuscript (1 copy), signed by all authors; - electronic version of the article by e-mail or on electronic media; - information about the authors (in Russian and English) (1 copy); - expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the material in the open press (1 copy); - covering letter - only for authors who do not work (do not study) in the Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University” (1 copy). - license agreement; - act to the licensing agreement. Article must be edited thoroughly, have the characteristics of scientific publication. Use the text editor Microsoft Word version not earlier than 2003. Paper size is A4. Page layout: top, bottom and left margins are 2.5 cm, right margin is 2 cm, header is 2 cm, footer is 2 cm. The manuscript of the article is signed by all authors! On the first page the UDC index is given (in the upper left corner; font "Times New Roman" 12 pt; single line spacing); then the initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Russian are given. The initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the article, the abstract and key words in English are placed at the beginning of the publication after the bibliography list. List of authors The list of authors is separated by commas, initials before surnames (font "Times New Roman" 11,5 pt, usual; alignment on the right edge; automatic hyphenation disabled; single line spacing). Title of the article The title of the article is typed in capital letters (font "Times New Roman" 12 pt; bold; center alignment; automatic hyphenation disabled; intervals before the paragraph 12 pt, after it - 12 pt; single line spacing). Abstract The abstract is provided by the authors in an extended form. Volume: not less than 950 and not more than 1800 characters (with spaces), that is 100-250 words, characterizing the content of the article (font "Times New Roman" 10 pt, italics; alignment by width; indentation: left and right 0,6 cm; single line spacing). The abstract should clearly define the purpose of the work, its novelty, and present the main conclusions. Languages are Russian and English. Structure of the abstract: state of research; materials and/or methods of research; results; conclusion. The abstract should be informative (without any general words), structured (according to the logical description of results in the article), reflect the main content of the article, taking into account the following aspects: subject, purpose, method or methodology, research results and their application area, conclusions. It is advisable to describe the method or methodology of research if they are new or are of interest in terms of this work. The results of the work are described very accurately and informative. The main theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and patterns are given. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term importance, important discoveries, conclusions that disprove existing theories, as well as information that, according to the author is of practical importance. Conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. Extra introductory phrases should be avoided (e.g., "the author of the article considers..."). In the text of the abstract, syntactic constructions typical of the language of scientific and technical documents should be used, and complex grammatical constructions should be avoided. Significant words from the text of the article should be used in the text of the abstract. Keywords Keywords are composed of 3-10 words and word combinations that reflect the content of the article, separated by commas, no dot at the end, Times New Roman, 10 pt, bold; left-align; automatic hyphenation disabled; intervals before and after the paragraph 12 pt; single line spacing. Main part of the text Main body of the article: Times New Roman 12 pt; alignment in width; first line indented by 0.6 cm; single line spacing; automatic hyphenation. References shall be placed in the body of the article in square brackets at the end of the sentence and include the number of the cited piece in the reference list. A quotation shall also include the page number of the quoted work [3. - P. 5]. Bibliography The main text is followed by the bibliography including: - the title References typed in capital letters (Times New Roman 12 pt, bold; center alignment; intervals: 12 pt before and 8 pt after the paragraph; single line spacing); - bibliographic description of the source as per GOST 7.3-2003 complete with its sequence number in the text. Bibliographic description of the document. Approved as of June 01, 2004 / Goskomstandard. Moscow, 2004 (single paragraph; Times New Roman 12 pt; first line of the paragraph indented 0.6 cm, alignment in width, single line spacing). The reference list in Russian shall also be transliterated. If done in other languages references shall be provided in the original language. To facilitate transliteration, refer to the software available at www.translit.ru (select BGN from the Options drop-down list). Transliterated sources shall be done as follows: 1. Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2005). Title of article. Title of Journal, 10(2), 49-53. Formulas The MathType editor shall be used to create formulas with settings as follow: size – full 12 pt, subscript 9 pt, sub-subscript 7 pt, symbol 14.5 pt, sub-symbol 12.5 pt; styles: Text, Function, Variable - Times New Roman, Matrix Vector - Times New Roman, bold; L.C. Greek, U.C. Greek, Symbol - Symbol, straight; variables in Russian - Times New Roman, italics. When doing formulas outside the editor, indexes shall be 9 pt with an 3 pt offset up or down (Home → Font → Advanced → Offset) depending on whether the index is superscript or subscript. Do not use Font → Shift → Superscript/Subscript. If a value has both superscript and subscript, the formula shall only be created in the MathType editor. Formulas placed on a single line shall be spaced 4 pt before and after it with single line spacing. Figures and tables Every figure and table shall be numbered, e.g. Figure 1, Table 3, and have a reference to it in the text. The text in tables shall be done in single spacing, Times New Roman; 10 pt main text, 7 pt indices, 5.5 pt sub-index. The numbered title shall contain the word Table and its number in Arabic numerals (no number sign before them or dot at the end), followed by a dash and the title; aligned to the table’s left. The width shall not exceed 7.9 cm; for large tables the limit is 16.5 cm. Soft copies of drawings and captions to them shall be created in MS Word or other programs (Corel DRAW, Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and Excel) and provided along with soft copies of the originals. The quality of figures and photos (.jpeg or .tiff) shall be no less than 300 dpi. The main lines in the figures (block borders and connecting lines in schemes, graph lines, etc.) shall be 1 pt thick, auxiliary lines (callouts, axes, dimension lines, etc.) 0.6 pt. There is no requirement for inserting drawings into frames or canvas. The description of the content of the figure, as well as symbols used in it shall be given in the main text of the article. The caption under the figure shell include its number (Times New Roman, italics, 10 pt), title and be placed in the center under the figure (e.g. Figure 1 - Title). The text and symbols in the figure shell be done in 9 pt, indexes 7 pt, sub-indexes 5.5 pt, single-spaced; numerical notations in the endnote lines and figure numbers shall be in italics. The alphabetic indication of the figure fragments (Times New Roman, italics, 9 pt) shall be placed under the fragment before the numbered title. In the text, a reference to the fragment shall be placed after the numbered title, separated by a comma (e.g., figure 1, a); intervals: before and after the figure 6 pt. The width shall not exceed 7.9 cm, for large figures the limit is 16.5 cm. Information about authors Information about authors must contain:

1. Last name, first name, second name (in full) of the author.

2. The principal place of work. 3.Position.

4. Academic degree, academic title.

5.Contact phone number, e-mail. All information is printed in a line (without paragraphs) in Russian and English.

In electronic form, the articles should be sent to the email address: onpgmu@yandex.ru In paper form, send materials to the address: Russia, 353918, 93, Lenin Avenue, Novorossiysk or in person in room U-230. Articles drawn up with violation of the requirements are not accepted by the editors.

RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE AUTHORS Authors of articles are encouraged to adhere to the following structure of the article:

1. heading part: - title of the article; - the authors; - place of work of the authors (if the authors are affiliated with different organizations, there must be a list of authors affiliated with the first organization, the name of this organization, address; there must be a list of authors affiliated with the second organization, its name, address, and so on); - annotation; - keywords;

2. text of the article;

3. annexes (if any);

4. a list of references (bibliographic list);

5. English part: - title; - the authors; - place of work of the authors (similar to the Russian part); - author's summary (Abstract); - keywords; - list of references (References).

The title of the article should be informative, reflect clearly its content in a few words. A well-formulated title is a guarantee that the work will attract reader’s interest. It should be remembered that the title of the work will be read by people more than its main part.

Authorship and place in the list of authors are determined by the agreement of the latter. For approximately equal authors’ contributions, alphabetical order is recommended. Abstract is a brief description of the purpose, novelty (innovative aspect) and content of the obtained results as well as the main conclusions of the study. Abstract can reflect the main stages of the work. Keywords are a set of words that reflect the content of the text in terms of the object, scientific branch and research methods.

The recommended number of keywords/phrases is 5-7, the number of words within a key phrase is not more than 3. The text of the article is presented in a certain sequence of its parts and includes:

1) introduction,

2) formulation of the problem,

3) the main part of the article,

4) discussion of the results,

5) inference and conclusion.


In the introduction the author introduces the subject, problems and state of research on the topic of publication; at the same time, it is necessary to refer to the sources from which the information is taken. The introduction should allow the reader to understand the given problem. Formulation of the problem. Based on a review of the state of research on the topic of the article, the author reveals the formulation and purpose of the work. The main part of the article. In this part it is necessary to describe the theoretical or experimental methods of the study, the tools used, etc., so that the study could be evaluated and/or reproduced. It is necessary to describe the method or methodology of the research if they have innovative aspect.

A scientific article should reflect not only the selected tools and the obtained results, but also the logic of the research itself or the sequence of reasoning that resulted in theoretical conclusions. According to the results of experimental research, it is advisable to describe the stages of experiments. It is desirable to illustrate the described results with graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, etc. Discussion of Results. In this part of the article the authors interpret obtained results in accordance with the objectives of the research. They can explain their results based on their experience and fundamental knowledge giving some possible explanations.

Conclusion. The main results of the research are summarized here. The language of the Scientific Article When writing an article is it advisable to use: – Introduction – Present and Past Tenses; – Main part – Past Tense; – Discussion of Results – Past and Present Tenses. References have an independent meaning as a bibliographical publication. A bibliographic reference has information about a literature source which is quoted, reviewed or mentioned in the article. Author’s Summary in English (Abstract, Keywords) is the main in Russian edition and as a rule the only source of information for foreign readers about the content of the article and the research results presented in it. According to the author’s abstract foreign experts evaluate the publication, determine their interest to the work of a Russian scientist, can use it in their publication and make a reference to it, start a discussion with an author, request the full text, etc. The text should be logical and informative; it is advisable to use Past Simple and Present Perfect Tenses. The recommended volume is about 0.5 page.

The examples of References: 1. Scientific journal articles: L.V. Asryan. The theory of threshold characteristics of diffused lasers on quantum dots / L.V. Asryan, R.A. Suris // FTP. – 2004. – Volume 38, No. 1. – Pp. 3-25. D.S. Gaev. The peculiarities of getting of island structure by means of incongruent evaporation / D.S. Gaev, L.M. Pavlova, G.D. Kuznetsov // University News. The Materials of Electronic Engineering. – 2006. – № 4. – Pp. 47-51. 2. Scientific books (monographs, collection of research papers): V.Ya. Demikhovskiy. Physics of quantum low-dimensional structures / V.Ya. Demikhovskiy, G.A. Vugalter. – Moscow: Logos, 2000. – 250 p. 3. Materials of Conferences: S.A. Kichik. The research of Mechanical and Thermoelectric properties of Bi0,5Sb1,5Te3 materials produced by vacuum pressing method / S.A. Kichik, A.A. Melnikov, I.S. Marakushev, A.N. Koryakin // XIII Multinational Seminar “Thermoelectrics and their application”. – St. Petersburg, 2012. – Pp. 267-258. 4. Patent: Patent 2175951 (RF). The Method for producing active aluminum hydroxide / Yu.A. Lajner, L.M. Surova, G.I. Gashkov, G.I. Volfson, 2000. 5. Thesis or Author’s Abstract: E.O. Filatova. Spectroscopy of specular reflection and scattering of soft X-ray radiation by solid surfaces: The Thesis… a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. – St. Petersburg, 2000. – 374 p. 6. Website: Methods of super resolutions in radio direction-finding problems. URL: http://www.lerc.ru/informatics/0003/0002 (Accessed on 12.07.2016). 7. Russian National Standard (GOST): GOST 8.586.5–2005. Method of Measurements. The measurements of liquid and gases consumption and volume with the use of standard constriction devices. – Moscow: Standard Publishing House, 2007. – 10 p. Examples of References:

Materials of Conferences:

1. T.S. Usmanov, A.A. Gusmanov, I.Z. Mullagalin, R.Ju. Muhametshina, A.N. Chervyakova. 2. A.V. Sveshnikov Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie 3. tekhnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” (Proc. 6th Int. Technol. Symp. 4. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”). 5. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267-272. Books (Monographs, Collection of Research Papers, All Materials of Conferences): 1. Belaya kniga po nanotekhnologiyam: issledovaniya v oblasti nanochastits, nanostruktur i nanokompozitov v Rossiiskoi Federatsii (po materialam Pervogo Vserossiiskogo soveshchaniya uchenykh, inzhenerov i proizvoditelei v oblasti nanotekhnologii [White Book in 2. Nanotechnologies: Studies in the Field of Nanoparticles, Nanostructures and Nanocomposites in the Russian Federation: Proceedings of the First All-Russian Conference of Scientists, Engineers and Manufacturers in the Field of Nanotechnology]. Moscow, LKI, 2007. 3. Nenashev M.F. Poslednee pravitel’stvo SSSR [Last government of the USSR]. Moscow, Krom Publ., 1993. 221 p. 4 of the Soviet Union [Ot katastrofy k vozrozhdeniju: prichiny i posledstvija razrushenija SSSR]. Moscow, HSE Publ., 1999. 381 p. 5. Kanevskaya R.D. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie gidrodinamicheskikh protsessov razrabotki mestorozhdenii uglevodorodov (Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes of hydrocarbon deposit development). Izhevsk, 2002. 140 p.

Separation characters used in the Russian National Standard (GOST) («//» and «–») are not used in any of the foreign standards to refer to bibliographical notes. A font type, most often italics, a dot or a comma separates the title of the source and its imprint from the authors and the title of the article.

Rules for cooperation with the editors (responsibility of the parties) are based on the provisions of CODE OF CONDUCT AND BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR JOURNAL EDITORS. Before submitting the manuscript, authors should carefully read the terms and conditions and responsibly comply with them from the moment the manuscript is submitted to the editor. In the process of cooperation, no one's copyrights should be violated.

1. Ethical principles that should guide the author of a scientific publication Submission of an article for consideration by the editors implies that it contains new scientific results obtained by the author (a team of authors), which have not been published anywhere before. Authors should be aware that they are personally responsible for the provided text of the manuscript, which implies compliance with the following principles:

1.1. provide reliable results of the work or research done;

1.2. participate in the process of peer review of the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief may request from authors the original data of a scientific article for editorial review, and authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if possible, and in any case should be ready to retain the original materials for a reasonable period of time after their publication;

1.3. ensure that the research results presented in the manuscript are independent and original work. The author must submit a report on the results of checking the article in the plagiarism detection system. The originality of the article must be at least 75%. In case of using fragments of other people's works and / or borrowing the statements of other authors, the article must contain appropriate bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and the source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including loose quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of the results of other people's research, are unethical and unacceptable actions. Articles being compiled of materials previously published by other authors are not accepted for publication without their creative processing and the author's own comprehension;

1.4. be aware that they bear the initial responsibility for the originality, novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research;

1.5. recognize the contribution of all individuals who one way or another have influenced the course of the study or determined its nature. In particular, the article should contain bibliographic references to Russian and foreign publications that were of importance while conducting the research. Information obtained privately through conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties should not be used without explicit written permission from their source. All sources must be disclosed;

1.6. submit an original manuscript that has not been submitted to another journal or publisher and is not currently under review, as well as an article that has not previously been published in another journal. Failure to comply with this principle is regarded as a major violation of the publication ethics and lays the case open to remove the article from peer review. The text of the article must be original, that is, it must be presented for publication for the first time. If any part of the manuscript was previously used in another published article, the authors are required to refer to the earlier publications and indicate what is the essential difference between the new study and the previous one. Word-for-word copying or paraphrasing of one's own publications is unacceptable. They can only be used as a basis for new conclusions;

1.7. provide a correct coauthors’ list of the article. All researchers who have made a significant intellectual contribution to its concept, structure, as well as to the conduct and interpretation of its results should be mentioned. Other individuals who have contributed to some aspects of the study should be praised. The author must also ensure that all coauthors are familiar with the final version of the article, approve it and agree with its submission for publication. All authors listed in the article should bear responsibility for the content. If the article is a multidisciplinary research, the coauthors may be responsible for their personal contributions, holding collective accountability for the overall results. Among the coauthors, it is unacceptable to indicate individuals who did not participate in the study;

1.8. in case a significant mistake or inaccuracy is discovered in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, immediately notify the editorial and publishing staff and make a joint decision to recognize the mistake and / or correct it as soon as possible. If the editorial and publishing staff find that the article contains significant mistakes, the author is obliged to remove or correct them immediately, or provide evidence of the validity of the information provided; 1.9. indicate in your manuscripts all sources of funding for the research, declare possible conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study, their interpretation, as well as the judgments of the reviewers.

2. Ethical principles in the reviewer's activity

The reviewer carries out a scientific expert analysis of the author's materials that’s why he must use an unbiased approach, which includes observing the following principles:

2.1. The purpose of the scientific assessment is to improve the quality of the material and make a final decision on the possibility of its publication.

2.2. The reviewer who does not consider him/herself a specialist in the field of the manuscript or is aware that he/she would be unable to provide the review in due time should notify the Editor-in-Chief of it and abstain from reviewing.

2.3. The author or coauthor of the manuscript cannot be the reviewer as well as academic advisors of post-graduate students and/or those working together with the author in the same department.

2.4. Any manuscript received from the editor for reviewing is confidential. It should not be discussed with someone else but with those mentioned by the Editor-in-Chief.

2.5. The reviewer is to be free of prejudices. Personal remarks to the author are not allowed. The reviewer’s opinion is to be expressed clearly and reasonably.

2.6. Whenever possible, the reviewer should identify significant publications that have relevance to the subject of the manuscript being reviewed but have not been referenced. Any statement, made by the reviewer that an observation, a conclusion or an argument in the manuscript reviewed has been reported elsewhere, should be supported by an exact reference. The reviewer should inform the Editor-in-Chief of any substantial similarity or partial-match between the manuscript being reviewed and any other publication that has come to his or her attention.

2.7. The reviewer should not use the information and ideas from the articles submitted to him for a review for personal gain, while respecting the confidentiality of this information and ideas.

2.8. Reviewer should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. Principles of professional ethics in the activity of the editorial, editing and publishing staff and editorial board. In their activity, the staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board members of the scientific journal issue are responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, hence they should comply with the following basic principles:

3.1. While making a decision the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal issue shall be guided by reliability of presented data and by scientific importance of reviewed materials. 3.2. The editor-in-chief should not have any conflict of interest concerning articles that he rejects or accepts.

3.3. The editor-in-chief of the scientific journal issue is responsible for decision which of the articles, submitted to the scientific journal issue all be accepted for publication and which shall be rejected. Thus, he shall be guided by the policy of the scientific journal issue and observes legal restraints, avoiding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. While making decision the journal editor-in-chief may consult with the editorial board members and reviewers.

3.4. The editor-in-chief should assess the manuscript exclusively according to its scientific content and regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, citizenship, origin, social status and political views of the manuscript authors.

3.5. The editor-in-chief, staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board members of the scientific journal issue should not disclose any information on the article submitted to the collected volume to anyone, except the author(s), appointed and potential reviewers, other editorial staff and, if necessary, the publisher.

3.6. The unpublished data received from manuscripts presented for reviewing should not be used by the editor-in-chief, editorial staff, editing and publishing staff or members of the editorial board for personal purposes or be transferred to the third parties (without written approval of the author).

3.7. The editor-in-chief should not let the information be published if there are enough reasons to believe that it is plagiarism.

3.8. If the article is accepted for publication, it becomes a public domain; copyrights remain with the authors.

3.9. The editor-in-chief and the publisher should not ignore the claims concerning reviewed manuscripts or published materials. In the event of a conflict, they should take all the necessary measures for restoration of violated rights, and at detection of mistakes - to promote publication with corrections or rebuttals.

3.10. The editor-in-chief, staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board of the printed publication should keep confidential the names and the other information about reviewers. If necessary, a new reviewer is invited and he may be informed about the names of the previous reviewers.

3.11. On the recommendation of the editorial council, a member of the editorial board and/or a reviewer may be excluded from the staff of the editing and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue for violating standards and rules of scientific publications ethics.

4. Principles of professional ethics in the activities of the publisher A publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works that’s why it is necessary to follow the fundamental principles and procedures:

4.1. Contribute to the fulfillment of ethical responsibilities by the staff of the editing, the editorial and publishing staff, the editorial board, reviewers and authors in accordance with these requirements.

4.2. Provide support to the editorial and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue dealing with claims about the ethical aspects of published materials and associate in interaction with other journals and / or publishers, if it contributes to the performance of the duties of editors.

4.3. Ensure the confidentiality of any information received from the authors of publications until it is published.

4.4. Be aware that the activity of the scientific journal issue is not a commercial project and does not have any purpose of making a profit.

4.5. Be sure that the potential profit from advertising does not influence the decision of the editors to accept the article for publication.

4.6. Always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies when necessary.

4.7. Provide the editorial and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue with the opportunity to exclude publications containing plagiarism and unreliable information.

High-quality articles representing the results of independent theoretical and empirical research, thematic reviews, cases are accepted for publication. The article should be relevant, have novelty, reflect the statement of the problem, approaches and tools of research, describe the resulting outcomes and conclusions, represent the target audience, as well as meet the technical requirements.

Both Russian and English manuscripts are accepted year-round and are published in the order of the general queue. All submitted materials undergo a reviewing procedure. Timing of consideration and decision-making on the possibility of publishing articles depend on the degree of filling of the editorial portfolio, the specificity of the topic of the article in question, as well as the workload of the editorial staff and experts involved in the reviewing process.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a manuscript if it does not meet the basic editorial requirements or if the author violates the publication ethics. Submitted materials are initially reviewed by the editorial board and directed for reviewing.

Upon approval of the materials for publication and coordination of various issues with the author (if necessary), the editorial board informs the author of the decision to publish the article, otherwise the author receives a motivated refusal. Materials for publication are rejected without any discussion and not returned to the author in case of the design requirements violation or the incongruity of the journal scientific themes. Postgraduate students’ publications in the journal are free of charge.

1. All scientific articles received by the editors of the quarterly scientific journal issue of articles "Operation of Maritime Transport" (hereinafter referred to as the scientific journal issue) are subject to mandatory review. Reviewing is organized by the editorial staff of the journal.

2. The experts of the highest scientific qualification who have publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years are involved in the review as experts.

3. The timing of consideration and decision-making on the possibility of publishing articles depends on the degree of completeness of the journal portfolio, the specifics of the subject of the submitted articles, as well as the workload of the editorial staff and experts involved in the review. All articles are published in order of priority.

4. The experts working in the same department as the authors of the manuscript are not involved in the review. The reviewer cannot be the coauthor of the article.

5. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and relate to information that is not subject to disclosure.

6. Review process is "blind" and carried out confidentially. The review is closed and provided to the author of the manuscript upon his written request without a signature and indication of the name, position, place of work of the reviewer.

7. After reading the review the final decision on the publication of the article is made by the head of the scientific direction.

8. Removal of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials presented in the manuscript are unreliable or falsified.

9. If the review of the manuscript contains a reference to the need to correct it, then it is sent to the author for its revision.

10. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the manuscript has the right to provide a well-reasoned reply to the editors of the journal. The editorial board may appoint an additional reviewer.

11. The decision on the expediency of publication after a second review is made by the editorial board.

12. The editors inform the author of the decision made. The editors send a motivated refusal to the author of the manuscript not accepted for publication.

13. The editorial preparation of an article for publication involves literary editing and control of compliance with the design standards adopted in the journal. The editors are not obliged to coordinate with the authors the scientific, literary or technical editing of their articles.

Retraction or withdrawal of the text of a publication is a mechanism for correcting published information and notifying scientists that a publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data. Data inaccuracies may be the result of conscientious error or willful misconduct.

Retraction is also used to alert readers to cases of duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in multiple publications), plagiarism, and concealment of conflicts of interest that may have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.

The basis for the review of the article may be:

• the presence of illegal borrowings (plagiarism) in a significant amount;

• duplication of an article in several publications;

•detection of falsifications or fabrications in the work (for example, falsification of experimental data);

• detection of serious errors in the work (for example, incorrect interpretation of the results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;

• incorrect composition of authors (there is no author; persons who do not meet the criteria of authorship are included);

• hidden conflict of interest;

• republication of the article without the author's consent;

• other violations of the journal's ethical principles.

The reason for the review of the article are:

• appeal of the author/authors about the review of the article;

• the decision of the editorial board of the journal.

The decision to revoke the article is made by the editorial board of the journal taking into account the response of the author /co-authors of the article explaining the position on the issue of revoking the article (upon receipt of this response). If the author/co-authors find it necessary to withdraw the article, they contact the editorial office, explaining the reason for their decision.

The editorial board responds to the authors and, if there are grounds for retraction, it independently carries out the retraction of the text of the article. If the editorial board decides to withdraw the text of the article on the basis of its expertise or information received by the editorial board, the author /co-authors are informed about this and their reasoned opinion on the validity of the withdrawal of the article is requested.

A reasoned opinion is requested from each co-author of the article separately. If the author /co-authors ignores the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the publication without taking into account the opinion of the author. If the editorial office receives an appeal about the existence of grounds for retracting the article, the editorial board informs the author of the appeal about the terms of its consideration.

The maximum period for consideration of an application may not exceed one month. The appeal is not subject to consideration if it does not specify the surname, first name, patronymic of the author or contact details. For the examination of the article and related materials, the editor-in-chief forms an expert commission. The decision to withdraw the article is made out by the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board of the journal. Having decided to withdraw the article, the editorial board indicates the reason for the retraction (in case of plagiarism — indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction.

The article and the description of the article remain on the journal's website as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text is marked "WITHDRAWN/RETRACTED" and the date of retraction, the same mark is placed in the article and in the table of contents of the issue. Information about the withdrawn articles is transmitted to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of HENRI (for entering information into a single database of retracted articles) and to the NEB (elibrary.ru ) (information about the article and the full text remain on elibrary.ru , but supplemented with information about retraction. Withdrawn articles and links from them are excluded from the RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of indicators).

The editorial board of the journal, along with making a decision on the withdrawal of the article, has the right to decide on the imposition of a ban on the acceptance for publication of articles from the author /co-authors of the retracted article for a certain period. Payment for the publication of the retracted articles is not refunded. Information about the retraction of the article is posted on the journal's website.

You can subscribe to the printed version of the magazine on the website of the United catalog "Press of Russia" www.pressa-rf.ru and through the online store "Subscription Press" https://www.akc.ru (subscription index 36701) Active Links: https://www.pressa-rf.ru/cat/1/edition/t36701/ https://www.akc.ru/itm/y_ekspluatat_siy_a-morskogo-transporta/

Modina Marina  — Edition
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Docent kafedry)
candidate of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Turkin Vladimir Antonovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Bukin Oleg Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (direktor kompleksa «Nauchno-innovacionnyy kompleks «Morskoy tehnopark»)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Nadezhkin Andrey Veniaminovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Karakaev Aleksandr Bahtyreevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S.O.Makarova», (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Kolpahch'yan Pavel  — Member of the Editorial Board
Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Reshnyak Valeriy Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S.O.Makarova» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Stolyarov Sergey Pavlovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO«Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
candidate of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Taranuha Nikolay Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO«Komsomol'skiy-na-Amure gosudarstvennyy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Sharifov Zahid  — Member of the Editorial Board
Azerbaydzhanskaya gosudarstvennaya morskaya akademiya (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Kondrat'ev Sergey  — Editor-in-Chief
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Rektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Khekert Evgeniy  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Deruzhinskiy Viktor Egorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova"
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Boran-Keshish'yan Anastas Leonidovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Prorektor)
candidate of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Baburina Ol'ga Nikolaevna  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Otdelkin Nikolay Stanislavovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Volzhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta» (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Bik Yuriy Igorevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Lentarev Aleksandr Andreevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Akmaykin Denis Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Dekan)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Pechnikov Andrey Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Voennaya akademiya svyazi im. Marshala Sovetskogo Soyuza S.M.Budennogo (Research Department (Organization of Innovative Activities and Assessment of the Quality of the Educational Process), Senior Researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
SPIN: 5133-9859 ORCID:0000-0002-0111-868X
Zelenkov Gennadiy Anatol'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Tonkih Andrey Sergeevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of economic sciences
Russian Federation
Safonceva Natal'ya Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institut vodnogo transporta im. G.Ya. Sedova – filial FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy morskoy universitet im. adm. F.F.Ushakova» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Glushkov Sergey Vital'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Dekan)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Medvedev Vladimir Vasil'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Kaliningradskiy tehnicheskiy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Russian Federation
Bidenko Sergey Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
PAO «Intelteh», Ministerstvo promyshlennosti i torgovli RF (sovetnik general'nogo konstruktora)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation
Shirokov Igor' Borisovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGAOU VO «Sevastopol'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences
Russian Federation

Архивные рубрики

Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University”
Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University.
The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС 77-57983

The scientific journal issue "Operation of Maritime Transport" is addressed to the teaching staff, graduate students, staff members of universities and scientific institutions in Russia and foreign countries, employees of enterprises and organizations of water transport.

Operation of Maritime Transport Quarterly scientific journal issue of scientific articles Included in the list of leading reviewed publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia Founder Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University To the editorial board of the scientific journal issue it is necessary to submit: - a printout of the manuscript (1 copy), signed by all authors; - electronic version of the article by e-mail or on electronic media; - information about the authors (in Russian and English) (1 copy); - expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the material in the open press (1 copy); - covering letter - only for authors who do not work (do not study) in the Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University” (1 copy). - license agreement; - act to the licensing agreement. Article must be edited thoroughly, have the characteristics of scientific publication. Use the text editor Microsoft Word version not earlier than 2003. Paper size is A4. Page layout: top, bottom and left margins are 2.5 cm, right margin is 2 cm, header is 2 cm, footer is 2 cm. The manuscript of the article is signed by all authors! On the first page the UDC index is given (in the upper left corner; font "Times New Roman" 12 pt; single line spacing); then the initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Russian are given. The initials and surnames of the authors, the title of the article, the abstract and key words in English are placed at the beginning of the publication after the bibliography list. List of authors The list of authors is separated by commas, initials before surnames (font "Times New Roman" 11,5 pt, usual; alignment on the right edge; automatic hyphenation disabled; single line spacing). Title of the article The title of the article is typed in capital letters (font "Times New Roman" 12 pt; bold; center alignment; automatic hyphenation disabled; intervals before the paragraph 12 pt, after it - 12 pt; single line spacing). Abstract The abstract is provided by the authors in an extended form. Volume: not less than 950 and not more than 1800 characters (with spaces), that is 100-250 words, characterizing the content of the article (font "Times New Roman" 10 pt, italics; alignment by width; indentation: left and right 0,6 cm; single line spacing). The abstract should clearly define the purpose of the work, its novelty, and present the main conclusions. Languages are Russian and English. Structure of the abstract: state of research; materials and/or methods of research; results; conclusion. The abstract should be informative (without any general words), structured (according to the logical description of results in the article), reflect the main content of the article, taking into account the following aspects: subject, purpose, method or methodology, research results and their application area, conclusions. It is advisable to describe the method or methodology of research if they are new or are of interest in terms of this work. The results of the work are described very accurately and informative. The main theoretical and experimental results, factual data, discovered relationships and patterns are given. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term importance, important discoveries, conclusions that disprove existing theories, as well as information that, according to the author is of practical importance. Conclusions may be accompanied by recommendations, evaluations, suggestions, hypotheses described in the article. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract. Extra introductory phrases should be avoided (e.g., "the author of the article considers..."). In the text of the abstract, syntactic constructions typical of the language of scientific and technical documents should be used, and complex grammatical constructions should be avoided. Significant words from the text of the article should be used in the text of the abstract. Keywords Keywords are composed of 3-10 words and word combinations that reflect the content of the article, separated by commas, no dot at the end, Times New Roman, 10 pt, bold; left-align; automatic hyphenation disabled; intervals before and after the paragraph 12 pt; single line spacing. Main part of the text Main body of the article: Times New Roman 12 pt; alignment in width; first line indented by 0.6 cm; single line spacing; automatic hyphenation. References shall be placed in the body of the article in square brackets at the end of the sentence and include the number of the cited piece in the reference list. A quotation shall also include the page number of the quoted work [3. - P. 5]. Bibliography The main text is followed by the bibliography including: - the title References typed in capital letters (Times New Roman 12 pt, bold; center alignment; intervals: 12 pt before and 8 pt after the paragraph; single line spacing); - bibliographic description of the source as per GOST 7.3-2003 complete with its sequence number in the text. Bibliographic description of the document. Approved as of June 01, 2004 / Goskomstandard. Moscow, 2004 (single paragraph; Times New Roman 12 pt; first line of the paragraph indented 0.6 cm, alignment in width, single line spacing). The reference list in Russian shall also be transliterated. If done in other languages references shall be provided in the original language. To facilitate transliteration, refer to the software available at www.translit.ru (select BGN from the Options drop-down list). Transliterated sources shall be done as follows: 1. Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (2005). Title of article. Title of Journal, 10(2), 49-53. Formulas The MathType editor shall be used to create formulas with settings as follow: size – full 12 pt, subscript 9 pt, sub-subscript 7 pt, symbol 14.5 pt, sub-symbol 12.5 pt; styles: Text, Function, Variable - Times New Roman, Matrix Vector - Times New Roman, bold; L.C. Greek, U.C. Greek, Symbol - Symbol, straight; variables in Russian - Times New Roman, italics. When doing formulas outside the editor, indexes shall be 9 pt with an 3 pt offset up or down (Home → Font → Advanced → Offset) depending on whether the index is superscript or subscript. Do not use Font → Shift → Superscript/Subscript. If a value has both superscript and subscript, the formula shall only be created in the MathType editor. Formulas placed on a single line shall be spaced 4 pt before and after it with single line spacing. Figures and tables Every figure and table shall be numbered, e.g. Figure 1, Table 3, and have a reference to it in the text. The text in tables shall be done in single spacing, Times New Roman; 10 pt main text, 7 pt indices, 5.5 pt sub-index. The numbered title shall contain the word Table and its number in Arabic numerals (no number sign before them or dot at the end), followed by a dash and the title; aligned to the table’s left. The width shall not exceed 7.9 cm; for large tables the limit is 16.5 cm. Soft copies of drawings and captions to them shall be created in MS Word or other programs (Corel DRAW, Visio, Adobe Illustrator, and Excel) and provided along with soft copies of the originals. The quality of figures and photos (.jpeg or .tiff) shall be no less than 300 dpi. The main lines in the figures (block borders and connecting lines in schemes, graph lines, etc.) shall be 1 pt thick, auxiliary lines (callouts, axes, dimension lines, etc.) 0.6 pt. There is no requirement for inserting drawings into frames or canvas. The description of the content of the figure, as well as symbols used in it shall be given in the main text of the article. The caption under the figure shell include its number (Times New Roman, italics, 10 pt), title and be placed in the center under the figure (e.g. Figure 1 - Title). The text and symbols in the figure shell be done in 9 pt, indexes 7 pt, sub-indexes 5.5 pt, single-spaced; numerical notations in the endnote lines and figure numbers shall be in italics. The alphabetic indication of the figure fragments (Times New Roman, italics, 9 pt) shall be placed under the fragment before the numbered title. In the text, a reference to the fragment shall be placed after the numbered title, separated by a comma (e.g., figure 1, a); intervals: before and after the figure 6 pt. The width shall not exceed 7.9 cm, for large figures the limit is 16.5 cm. Information about authors Information about authors must contain:

1. Last name, first name, second name (in full) of the author.

2. The principal place of work. 3.Position.

4. Academic degree, academic title.

5.Contact phone number, e-mail. All information is printed in a line (without paragraphs) in Russian and English.

In electronic form, the articles should be sent to the email address: onpgmu@yandex.ru In paper form, send materials to the address: Russia, 353918, 93, Lenin Avenue, Novorossiysk or in person in room U-230. Articles drawn up with violation of the requirements are not accepted by the editors.

RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE AUTHORS Authors of articles are encouraged to adhere to the following structure of the article:

1. heading part: - title of the article; - the authors; - place of work of the authors (if the authors are affiliated with different organizations, there must be a list of authors affiliated with the first organization, the name of this organization, address; there must be a list of authors affiliated with the second organization, its name, address, and so on); - annotation; - keywords;

2. text of the article;

3. annexes (if any);

4. a list of references (bibliographic list);

5. English part: - title; - the authors; - place of work of the authors (similar to the Russian part); - author's summary (Abstract); - keywords; - list of references (References).

The title of the article should be informative, reflect clearly its content in a few words. A well-formulated title is a guarantee that the work will attract reader’s interest. It should be remembered that the title of the work will be read by people more than its main part.

Authorship and place in the list of authors are determined by the agreement of the latter. For approximately equal authors’ contributions, alphabetical order is recommended. Abstract is a brief description of the purpose, novelty (innovative aspect) and content of the obtained results as well as the main conclusions of the study. Abstract can reflect the main stages of the work. Keywords are a set of words that reflect the content of the text in terms of the object, scientific branch and research methods.

The recommended number of keywords/phrases is 5-7, the number of words within a key phrase is not more than 3. The text of the article is presented in a certain sequence of its parts and includes:

1) introduction,

2) formulation of the problem,

3) the main part of the article,

4) discussion of the results,

5) inference and conclusion.


In the introduction the author introduces the subject, problems and state of research on the topic of publication; at the same time, it is necessary to refer to the sources from which the information is taken. The introduction should allow the reader to understand the given problem. Formulation of the problem. Based on a review of the state of research on the topic of the article, the author reveals the formulation and purpose of the work. The main part of the article. In this part it is necessary to describe the theoretical or experimental methods of the study, the tools used, etc., so that the study could be evaluated and/or reproduced. It is necessary to describe the method or methodology of the research if they have innovative aspect.

A scientific article should reflect not only the selected tools and the obtained results, but also the logic of the research itself or the sequence of reasoning that resulted in theoretical conclusions. According to the results of experimental research, it is advisable to describe the stages of experiments. It is desirable to illustrate the described results with graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, etc. Discussion of Results. In this part of the article the authors interpret obtained results in accordance with the objectives of the research. They can explain their results based on their experience and fundamental knowledge giving some possible explanations.

Conclusion. The main results of the research are summarized here. The language of the Scientific Article When writing an article is it advisable to use: – Introduction – Present and Past Tenses; – Main part – Past Tense; – Discussion of Results – Past and Present Tenses. References have an independent meaning as a bibliographical publication. A bibliographic reference has information about a literature source which is quoted, reviewed or mentioned in the article. Author’s Summary in English (Abstract, Keywords) is the main in Russian edition and as a rule the only source of information for foreign readers about the content of the article and the research results presented in it. According to the author’s abstract foreign experts evaluate the publication, determine their interest to the work of a Russian scientist, can use it in their publication and make a reference to it, start a discussion with an author, request the full text, etc. The text should be logical and informative; it is advisable to use Past Simple and Present Perfect Tenses. The recommended volume is about 0.5 page.

The examples of References: 1. Scientific journal articles: L.V. Asryan. The theory of threshold characteristics of diffused lasers on quantum dots / L.V. Asryan, R.A. Suris // FTP. – 2004. – Volume 38, No. 1. – Pp. 3-25. D.S. Gaev. The peculiarities of getting of island structure by means of incongruent evaporation / D.S. Gaev, L.M. Pavlova, G.D. Kuznetsov // University News. The Materials of Electronic Engineering. – 2006. – № 4. – Pp. 47-51. 2. Scientific books (monographs, collection of research papers): V.Ya. Demikhovskiy. Physics of quantum low-dimensional structures / V.Ya. Demikhovskiy, G.A. Vugalter. – Moscow: Logos, 2000. – 250 p. 3. Materials of Conferences: S.A. Kichik. The research of Mechanical and Thermoelectric properties of Bi0,5Sb1,5Te3 materials produced by vacuum pressing method / S.A. Kichik, A.A. Melnikov, I.S. Marakushev, A.N. Koryakin // XIII Multinational Seminar “Thermoelectrics and their application”. – St. Petersburg, 2012. – Pp. 267-258. 4. Patent: Patent 2175951 (RF). The Method for producing active aluminum hydroxide / Yu.A. Lajner, L.M. Surova, G.I. Gashkov, G.I. Volfson, 2000. 5. Thesis or Author’s Abstract: E.O. Filatova. Spectroscopy of specular reflection and scattering of soft X-ray radiation by solid surfaces: The Thesis… a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. – St. Petersburg, 2000. – 374 p. 6. Website: Methods of super resolutions in radio direction-finding problems. URL: http://www.lerc.ru/informatics/0003/0002 (Accessed on 12.07.2016). 7. Russian National Standard (GOST): GOST 8.586.5–2005. Method of Measurements. The measurements of liquid and gases consumption and volume with the use of standard constriction devices. – Moscow: Standard Publishing House, 2007. – 10 p. Examples of References:

Materials of Conferences:

1. T.S. Usmanov, A.A. Gusmanov, I.Z. Mullagalin, R.Ju. Muhametshina, A.N. Chervyakova. 2. A.V. Sveshnikov Trudy 6 Mezhdunarodnogo Simpoziuma “Novye resursosberegayushchie 3. tekhnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya neftegazootdachi” (Proc. 6th Int. Technol. Symp. 4. “New energy saving subsoil technologies and the increasing of the oil and gas impact”). 5. Moscow, 2007, pp. 267-272. Books (Monographs, Collection of Research Papers, All Materials of Conferences): 1. Belaya kniga po nanotekhnologiyam: issledovaniya v oblasti nanochastits, nanostruktur i nanokompozitov v Rossiiskoi Federatsii (po materialam Pervogo Vserossiiskogo soveshchaniya uchenykh, inzhenerov i proizvoditelei v oblasti nanotekhnologii [White Book in 2. Nanotechnologies: Studies in the Field of Nanoparticles, Nanostructures and Nanocomposites in the Russian Federation: Proceedings of the First All-Russian Conference of Scientists, Engineers and Manufacturers in the Field of Nanotechnology]. Moscow, LKI, 2007. 3. Nenashev M.F. Poslednee pravitel’stvo SSSR [Last government of the USSR]. Moscow, Krom Publ., 1993. 221 p. 4 of the Soviet Union [Ot katastrofy k vozrozhdeniju: prichiny i posledstvija razrushenija SSSR]. Moscow, HSE Publ., 1999. 381 p. 5. Kanevskaya R.D. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie gidrodinamicheskikh protsessov razrabotki mestorozhdenii uglevodorodov (Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamic processes of hydrocarbon deposit development). Izhevsk, 2002. 140 p.

Separation characters used in the Russian National Standard (GOST) («//» and «–») are not used in any of the foreign standards to refer to bibliographical notes. A font type, most often italics, a dot or a comma separates the title of the source and its imprint from the authors and the title of the article.

Rules for cooperation with the editors (responsibility of the parties) are based on the provisions of CODE OF CONDUCT AND BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES FOR JOURNAL EDITORS. Before submitting the manuscript, authors should carefully read the terms and conditions and responsibly comply with them from the moment the manuscript is submitted to the editor. In the process of cooperation, no one's copyrights should be violated.

1. Ethical principles that should guide the author of a scientific publication Submission of an article for consideration by the editors implies that it contains new scientific results obtained by the author (a team of authors), which have not been published anywhere before. Authors should be aware that they are personally responsible for the provided text of the manuscript, which implies compliance with the following principles:

1.1. provide reliable results of the work or research done;

1.2. participate in the process of peer review of the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief may request from authors the original data of a scientific article for editorial review, and authors should be prepared to provide public access to such data, if possible, and in any case should be ready to retain the original materials for a reasonable period of time after their publication;

1.3. ensure that the research results presented in the manuscript are independent and original work. The author must submit a report on the results of checking the article in the plagiarism detection system. The originality of the article must be at least 75%. In case of using fragments of other people's works and / or borrowing the statements of other authors, the article must contain appropriate bibliographic references with the obligatory indication of the author and the source. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including loose quotations, paraphrasing, or appropriation of the results of other people's research, are unethical and unacceptable actions. Articles being compiled of materials previously published by other authors are not accepted for publication without their creative processing and the author's own comprehension;

1.4. be aware that they bear the initial responsibility for the originality, novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research;

1.5. recognize the contribution of all individuals who one way or another have influenced the course of the study or determined its nature. In particular, the article should contain bibliographic references to Russian and foreign publications that were of importance while conducting the research. Information obtained privately through conversation, correspondence or discussion with third parties should not be used without explicit written permission from their source. All sources must be disclosed;

1.6. submit an original manuscript that has not been submitted to another journal or publisher and is not currently under review, as well as an article that has not previously been published in another journal. Failure to comply with this principle is regarded as a major violation of the publication ethics and lays the case open to remove the article from peer review. The text of the article must be original, that is, it must be presented for publication for the first time. If any part of the manuscript was previously used in another published article, the authors are required to refer to the earlier publications and indicate what is the essential difference between the new study and the previous one. Word-for-word copying or paraphrasing of one's own publications is unacceptable. They can only be used as a basis for new conclusions;

1.7. provide a correct coauthors’ list of the article. All researchers who have made a significant intellectual contribution to its concept, structure, as well as to the conduct and interpretation of its results should be mentioned. Other individuals who have contributed to some aspects of the study should be praised. The author must also ensure that all coauthors are familiar with the final version of the article, approve it and agree with its submission for publication. All authors listed in the article should bear responsibility for the content. If the article is a multidisciplinary research, the coauthors may be responsible for their personal contributions, holding collective accountability for the overall results. Among the coauthors, it is unacceptable to indicate individuals who did not participate in the study;

1.8. in case a significant mistake or inaccuracy is discovered in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, immediately notify the editorial and publishing staff and make a joint decision to recognize the mistake and / or correct it as soon as possible. If the editorial and publishing staff find that the article contains significant mistakes, the author is obliged to remove or correct them immediately, or provide evidence of the validity of the information provided; 1.9. indicate in your manuscripts all sources of funding for the research, declare possible conflicts of interest that may affect the results of the study, their interpretation, as well as the judgments of the reviewers.

2. Ethical principles in the reviewer's activity

The reviewer carries out a scientific expert analysis of the author's materials that’s why he must use an unbiased approach, which includes observing the following principles:

2.1. The purpose of the scientific assessment is to improve the quality of the material and make a final decision on the possibility of its publication.

2.2. The reviewer who does not consider him/herself a specialist in the field of the manuscript or is aware that he/she would be unable to provide the review in due time should notify the Editor-in-Chief of it and abstain from reviewing.

2.3. The author or coauthor of the manuscript cannot be the reviewer as well as academic advisors of post-graduate students and/or those working together with the author in the same department.

2.4. Any manuscript received from the editor for reviewing is confidential. It should not be discussed with someone else but with those mentioned by the Editor-in-Chief.

2.5. The reviewer is to be free of prejudices. Personal remarks to the author are not allowed. The reviewer’s opinion is to be expressed clearly and reasonably.

2.6. Whenever possible, the reviewer should identify significant publications that have relevance to the subject of the manuscript being reviewed but have not been referenced. Any statement, made by the reviewer that an observation, a conclusion or an argument in the manuscript reviewed has been reported elsewhere, should be supported by an exact reference. The reviewer should inform the Editor-in-Chief of any substantial similarity or partial-match between the manuscript being reviewed and any other publication that has come to his or her attention.

2.7. The reviewer should not use the information and ideas from the articles submitted to him for a review for personal gain, while respecting the confidentiality of this information and ideas.

2.8. Reviewer should not consider manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the papers. Principles of professional ethics in the activity of the editorial, editing and publishing staff and editorial board. In their activity, the staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board members of the scientific journal issue are responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, hence they should comply with the following basic principles:

3.1. While making a decision the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal issue shall be guided by reliability of presented data and by scientific importance of reviewed materials. 3.2. The editor-in-chief should not have any conflict of interest concerning articles that he rejects or accepts.

3.3. The editor-in-chief of the scientific journal issue is responsible for decision which of the articles, submitted to the scientific journal issue all be accepted for publication and which shall be rejected. Thus, he shall be guided by the policy of the scientific journal issue and observes legal restraints, avoiding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. While making decision the journal editor-in-chief may consult with the editorial board members and reviewers.

3.4. The editor-in-chief should assess the manuscript exclusively according to its scientific content and regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, citizenship, origin, social status and political views of the manuscript authors.

3.5. The editor-in-chief, staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board members of the scientific journal issue should not disclose any information on the article submitted to the collected volume to anyone, except the author(s), appointed and potential reviewers, other editorial staff and, if necessary, the publisher.

3.6. The unpublished data received from manuscripts presented for reviewing should not be used by the editor-in-chief, editorial staff, editing and publishing staff or members of the editorial board for personal purposes or be transferred to the third parties (without written approval of the author).

3.7. The editor-in-chief should not let the information be published if there are enough reasons to believe that it is plagiarism.

3.8. If the article is accepted for publication, it becomes a public domain; copyrights remain with the authors.

3.9. The editor-in-chief and the publisher should not ignore the claims concerning reviewed manuscripts or published materials. In the event of a conflict, they should take all the necessary measures for restoration of violated rights, and at detection of mistakes - to promote publication with corrections or rebuttals.

3.10. The editor-in-chief, staff of the editing and publishing staff and editorial board of the printed publication should keep confidential the names and the other information about reviewers. If necessary, a new reviewer is invited and he may be informed about the names of the previous reviewers.

3.11. On the recommendation of the editorial council, a member of the editorial board and/or a reviewer may be excluded from the staff of the editing and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue for violating standards and rules of scientific publications ethics.

4. Principles of professional ethics in the activities of the publisher A publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works that’s why it is necessary to follow the fundamental principles and procedures:

4.1. Contribute to the fulfillment of ethical responsibilities by the staff of the editing, the editorial and publishing staff, the editorial board, reviewers and authors in accordance with these requirements.

4.2. Provide support to the editorial and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue dealing with claims about the ethical aspects of published materials and associate in interaction with other journals and / or publishers, if it contributes to the performance of the duties of editors.

4.3. Ensure the confidentiality of any information received from the authors of publications until it is published.

4.4. Be aware that the activity of the scientific journal issue is not a commercial project and does not have any purpose of making a profit.

4.5. Be sure that the potential profit from advertising does not influence the decision of the editors to accept the article for publication.

4.6. Always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies when necessary.

4.7. Provide the editorial and publishing staff of the scientific journal issue with the opportunity to exclude publications containing plagiarism and unreliable information.

High-quality articles representing the results of independent theoretical and empirical research, thematic reviews, cases are accepted for publication. The article should be relevant, have novelty, reflect the statement of the problem, approaches and tools of research, describe the resulting outcomes and conclusions, represent the target audience, as well as meet the technical requirements.

Both Russian and English manuscripts are accepted year-round and are published in the order of the general queue. All submitted materials undergo a reviewing procedure. Timing of consideration and decision-making on the possibility of publishing articles depend on the degree of filling of the editorial portfolio, the specificity of the topic of the article in question, as well as the workload of the editorial staff and experts involved in the reviewing process.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a manuscript if it does not meet the basic editorial requirements or if the author violates the publication ethics. Submitted materials are initially reviewed by the editorial board and directed for reviewing.

Upon approval of the materials for publication and coordination of various issues with the author (if necessary), the editorial board informs the author of the decision to publish the article, otherwise the author receives a motivated refusal. Materials for publication are rejected without any discussion and not returned to the author in case of the design requirements violation or the incongruity of the journal scientific themes. Postgraduate students’ publications in the journal are free of charge.

1. All scientific articles received by the editors of the quarterly scientific journal issue of articles "Operation of Maritime Transport" (hereinafter referred to as the scientific journal issue) are subject to mandatory review. Reviewing is organized by the editorial staff of the journal.

2. The experts of the highest scientific qualification who have publications on the subject of the reviewed article for the last 3 years are involved in the review as experts.

3. The timing of consideration and decision-making on the possibility of publishing articles depends on the degree of completeness of the journal portfolio, the specifics of the subject of the submitted articles, as well as the workload of the editorial staff and experts involved in the review. All articles are published in order of priority.

4. The experts working in the same department as the authors of the manuscript are not involved in the review. The reviewer cannot be the coauthor of the article.

5. The reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the private property of the authors and relate to information that is not subject to disclosure.

6. Review process is "blind" and carried out confidentially. The review is closed and provided to the author of the manuscript upon his written request without a signature and indication of the name, position, place of work of the reviewer.

7. After reading the review the final decision on the publication of the article is made by the head of the scientific direction.

8. Removal of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials presented in the manuscript are unreliable or falsified.

9. If the review of the manuscript contains a reference to the need to correct it, then it is sent to the author for its revision.

10. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the manuscript has the right to provide a well-reasoned reply to the editors of the journal. The editorial board may appoint an additional reviewer.

11. The decision on the expediency of publication after a second review is made by the editorial board.

12. The editors inform the author of the decision made. The editors send a motivated refusal to the author of the manuscript not accepted for publication.

13. The editorial preparation of an article for publication involves literary editing and control of compliance with the design standards adopted in the journal. The editors are not obliged to coordinate with the authors the scientific, literary or technical editing of their articles.

Retraction or withdrawal of the text of a publication is a mechanism for correcting published information and notifying scientists that a publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data. Data inaccuracies may be the result of conscientious error or willful misconduct.

Retraction is also used to alert readers to cases of duplicate publications (when authors present the same data in multiple publications), plagiarism, and concealment of conflicts of interest that may have influenced the interpretation of data or recommendations for their use.

The basis for the review of the article may be:

• the presence of illegal borrowings (plagiarism) in a significant amount;

• duplication of an article in several publications;

•detection of falsifications or fabrications in the work (for example, falsification of experimental data);

• detection of serious errors in the work (for example, incorrect interpretation of the results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;

• incorrect composition of authors (there is no author; persons who do not meet the criteria of authorship are included);

• hidden conflict of interest;

• republication of the article without the author's consent;

• other violations of the journal's ethical principles.

The reason for the review of the article are:

• appeal of the author/authors about the review of the article;

• the decision of the editorial board of the journal.

The decision to revoke the article is made by the editorial board of the journal taking into account the response of the author /co-authors of the article explaining the position on the issue of revoking the article (upon receipt of this response). If the author/co-authors find it necessary to withdraw the article, they contact the editorial office, explaining the reason for their decision.

The editorial board responds to the authors and, if there are grounds for retraction, it independently carries out the retraction of the text of the article. If the editorial board decides to withdraw the text of the article on the basis of its expertise or information received by the editorial board, the author /co-authors are informed about this and their reasoned opinion on the validity of the withdrawal of the article is requested.

A reasoned opinion is requested from each co-author of the article separately. If the author /co-authors ignores the request of the editorial board, the editorial board has the right to withdraw the publication without taking into account the opinion of the author. If the editorial office receives an appeal about the existence of grounds for retracting the article, the editorial board informs the author of the appeal about the terms of its consideration.

The maximum period for consideration of an application may not exceed one month. The appeal is not subject to consideration if it does not specify the surname, first name, patronymic of the author or contact details. For the examination of the article and related materials, the editor-in-chief forms an expert commission. The decision to withdraw the article is made out by the minutes of the meeting of the editorial board of the journal. Having decided to withdraw the article, the editorial board indicates the reason for the retraction (in case of plagiarism — indicating the sources of borrowing), as well as the date of retraction.

The article and the description of the article remain on the journal's website as part of the corresponding issue of the journal, but the electronic version of the text is marked "WITHDRAWN/RETRACTED" and the date of retraction, the same mark is placed in the article and in the table of contents of the issue. Information about the withdrawn articles is transmitted to the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of HENRI (for entering information into a single database of retracted articles) and to the NEB (elibrary.ru ) (information about the article and the full text remain on elibrary.ru , but supplemented with information about retraction. Withdrawn articles and links from them are excluded from the RSCI and do not participate in the calculation of indicators).

The editorial board of the journal, along with making a decision on the withdrawal of the article, has the right to decide on the imposition of a ban on the acceptance for publication of articles from the author /co-authors of the retracted article for a certain period. Payment for the publication of the retracted articles is not refunded. Information about the retraction of the article is posted on the journal's website.

You can subscribe to the printed version of the magazine on the website of the United catalog "Press of Russia" www.pressa-rf.ru and through the online store "Subscription Press" https://www.akc.ru (subscription index 36701) Active Links: https://www.pressa-rf.ru/cat/1/edition/t36701/ https://www.akc.ru/itm/y_ekspluatat_siy_a-morskogo-transporta/

4 issues per year

                        Ablyazov K A
Ablyazov K A FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov K A
Ablyazov K A FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov K A
Ablyazov K A FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov E K
Ablyazov E K FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov K A
Ablyazov K A FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov E K
Ablyazov E K FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov E K
Ablyazov E K FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ablyazov K A
Ablyazov K A FGBOU VO «GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova»

                        Ageyev V N
Ageyev V N Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet grazhdanskoy aviacii

                        Адамов Е И
Адамов Е И Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya «Volzhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta»

                        Adamov E I
Adamov E I Volzhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta» (FGBOU VO «VGUVT»)

                        Aderihin I V
Aderihin I V Moskovskaya gosudarstvennaya akademiya vodnogo transporta - filial FGBOU VO "Gosudarstvennyy universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S O. Makarova"

                        Akmaykin D A
Akmaykin D A Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. adm. G. I. Nevel'skogo

                        Akmaikin D A
Akmaikin D A FGBOU VO «MGU im. adm. G.I. Nevel'skogo»

                        Akmaykin D A
Akmaykin D A Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I. Nevel'skogo (FGBOU VO «MGU im. adm. G.I. Nevel'skogo»)

Modina Marina  — Edition
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Docent kafedry)
candidate of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Turkin Vladimir Antonovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Bukin Oleg Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (direktor kompleksa «Nauchno-innovacionnyy kompleks «Morskoy tehnopark»)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Nadezhkin Andrey Veniaminovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Karakaev Aleksandr Bahtyreevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S.O.Makarova», (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Kolpahch'yan Pavel  — Member of the Editorial Board
Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University (Associate Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Reshnyak Valeriy Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy universitet morskogo i rechnogo flota imeni admirala S.O.Makarova» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Stolyarov Sergey Pavlovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO«Sankt-Peterburgskiy gosudarstvennyy morskoy tehnicheskiy universitet» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
candidate of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Taranuha Nikolay Alekseevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO«Komsomol'skiy-na-Amure gosudarstvennyy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Sharifov Zahid  — Member of the Editorial Board
Azerbaydzhanskaya gosudarstvennaya morskaya akademiya (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Kondrat'ev Sergey  — Editor-in-Chief
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Rektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Khekert Evgeniy  — Deputy Editor-in-Chief
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Deruzhinskiy Viktor Egorovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova"
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Boran-Keshish'yan Anastas Leonidovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Prorektor)
candidate of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Baburina Ol'ga Nikolaevna  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Otdelkin Nikolay Stanislavovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Volzhskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta» (Prorektor)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Bik Yuriy Igorevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet vodnogo transporta» (Zaveduyuschiy kafedroy)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Lentarev Aleksandr Andreevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Akmaykin Denis Aleksandrovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Dekan)
candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Pechnikov Andrey Nikolaevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
Voennaya akademiya svyazi im. Marshala Sovetskogo Soyuza S.M.Budennogo (Research Department (Organization of Innovative Activities and Assessment of the Quality of the Educational Process), Senior Researcher)
doctor of pedagogical sciences ,
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation
SPIN: 5133-9859 ORCID:0000-0002-0111-868X
Zelenkov Gennadiy Anatol'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Tonkih Andrey Sergeevich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" (Professor kafedry)
doctor of economic sciences

Russian Federation
Safonceva Natal'ya Yur'evna  — Member of the Editorial Board
Institut vodnogo transporta im. G.Ya. Sedova – filial FGBOU VO «Gosudarstvennyy morskoy universitet im. adm. F.F.Ushakova» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Glushkov Sergey Vital'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Morskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni admirala G.I.Nevel'skogo» (Dekan)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Medvedev Vladimir Vasil'evich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGBOU VO «Kaliningradskiy tehnicheskiy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Russian Federation
Bidenko Sergey Ivanovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
PAO «Intelteh», Ministerstvo promyshlennosti i torgovli RF (sovetnik general'nogo konstruktora)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation
Shirokov Igor' Borisovich  — Member of the Editorial Board
FGAOU VO «Sevastopol'skiy gosudarstvennyy universitet» (Professor kafedry)
doctor of technical sciences

Russian Federation

Author of 122 published and equivalent scientific and educational works, of which 10 textbooks, 3 inventions and 71 articles and published reports at scientific conferences, and a dozen reports on research work.

Author of 52 scientific articles in publications included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published.

Author of 16 scientific publications in publications included in the International Abstract Database WebofScience.

The sphere of scientific interests covers the issues of safety of navigation, unmanned navigation, methods and means of navigation and navigation.


Is the publication of significant scientific results of basic and applied research, innovation support, experience exchange, information support for measures to modernize the fleet, discussion of scientific problems and topical issues in the field of transport.

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