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Abstract (English):
The modem market connects many processes in complexes. He increases the potential of their interactions. In article the system analysis of marketing, branding is carried out. Four main evolutionary parties are considered: automation potential, applicability of artificial intelligence, personalisation of buyers, increase in mobility of business. Possibilities of identification of target audience, the introduction of iimovations focused on the identity of a brends are analysed. Most strongly at such approach win small and medium-sized companies (the class B2B, for example). Personalisation is inherent in them by the nature, need. Creation marketing messages of personal orientation depends not only on desires, motivation. The efficiency, automation, intel-lectualization of marketing of the company increases. It is possible to monitor the mailings focused on purposes, "real" marketing. There is relevant a neuromarketing approach. The analysis done in work allows to allocate, note the most important marketing tendencies of the market- 2018. For example, the interactive chats, intellectual systems improving exchange, content value taking into account personalisation. It is accented that the knowledge-intensive teams of work with marketing specialists, growth of quantitative marketing open new opportunities of real business, brands begin to experiment with them. It is possible to use, for example, commercials as a new marketing channel. In work the main problems of sales, for example, a priority of confidentiality of the user data, creations of the multichannel communications apply ing cold communications, filtration of mail are noted. The machine learning can change advertizing preferences, marketing (on the basis of the systems of artificial intelligence). Consumers wait from branding of bigger return, Brenda, interested in clients have to create attractive content, and advertizing moves to valuable content.

-2018, brand, marketing, business, company, automation, artificial intelligence, personalisation, mobility, tendencies-2018
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