The article investigates approaches to the model development and methods of presetating, analysis and monitoring of activity of the autonomous fleet by means of formal geo-space structure. For the purpose such definitions as "territorial marine activity", "marine autonomous activity", their parameters, structure and characteristics have been given here. Composition of the autonomous navigation systems (coastal and ship's infrastructure) and its management system, system of circumstance information, communication and telecommunication, support in acception of the decision, plan realization has been described in the article. Besides that autonomous navigation system and communication, coordinated ship's monitoring, observance and rescue, telemetric distance control, inner sight observance, bridge plan-table, interfaces to the existing conventional side system have been discussed. There have been defined the composition structure of geo-information models and methods of description and management of maritime autonomous activity. Formal devices of presenting own space and content of based territorial structures topological parameters and relationship of the basic structures in geo-space have been also defined in the article. There have been pointed out the procedure limit of methodological approach to the con-structionof geo-models according to scheme: "Composition - Content - Structure".
autonomous navigation, system of territorial marine activity, autonomous sea surface vessel, unmanned navigation in modem port, autonomous navigation system (ANS), coastal and ship's infrastructure of ANS, territorial situation, appraisal of situation, geo-model, geo-system, own space, content, topology of geostructure
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