The paper proposes the structure and principle of operation of an automated intelligent system for controlling a ship equipped with rudder propellers. A feature of the control of such vessels is the complexity of controlling the mutual position of the rudder propellers and the distribution of stops between them for a specific maneuver. The control system is based on the principles of decision-making based on the practice and knowledge of the navigator, as well as information on the maneuvering of vessels equipped with rudder propellers. The automated intelligent ship control system is an intelligent system. The system implements algorithms for controlling the location and forming the stops of the rudder columns based on the rules and models of the task. Depending on the solution to the task, the system generates a set of actions for the navigator who makes a decision to implement the task, thus, the navigator corrects the decision, the system learns based on the presented solutions.
ship control, maneuvering, mooring mode, circle rudder propellers, azimuth thruster
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9. Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoy registracii programmy dlya EVM № 2018666912 Rossiyskaya Federaciya. Programmnyy kompleks modelirovaniya upravleniya sudnom, snabzhennym dvumya vinto-rulevymi kolonkami (azipodami): № 2018664433: zayavl. 14.12.2018: opubl. 24.12.2018 / S. V. Pashencev, V. Yu. Egorov ; zayavitel' Federal'noe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatel'noe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya «Murmanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet» (FGBOU VO «MGTU»)
10. Prezentaciya «Rukovodstvo po manevrirovaniyu» [Elektronnyy resurs] :